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Alimatu Dimonekene, Community Activist and founder of ProjectACEi

Alimatu Dimonekene is a Community Activist and founder of ProjectACEi, an action group in Enfield, London, that helps facilitate greater working relationships between professionals and communities to end Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). She is also a FGM Prevention Caseworker and Trainer for Manor Gardens. Winner of the True Hero Award 2015 for her work in tackling FGM, Alimatu has used experiences as a FGM survivor in working extensively with agencies such as UN Women (UK), the Home Office, Met Police, NHS, NSPCC and other authorities in safeguarding girls and women at risk from the practice. She hopes to extend her work internationally to Sierra Leone to support communities with strategies for eliminating violence against women and girls.

How is Ebola affecting FGM in Sierra Leone?

The UK is working with the UN, the World Health Organisation and the wider international community to combat Ebola. Picture: Save the Children

...a at sub-national level to reduce FGM. Working across borders Governments should also work together across borders to share policies, best practice and legislation. Girl Summit 2014 has mobilised over...