Girls & Women
DFID is working to give girls and women choice, voice and control over their lives. Across the developing world, women and girls bear a disproportionate burden of poverty - but we know when we invest in girls, they have the potential to transform their prospects, their communities and the world. In these blogs various voices will show why this is important and how the UK is helping.
As I'm sure you know by now, I am passionately committed to tackling violence against women and girls wherever it occurs, and this issue was the theme of my last speaking event at CSW before heading back home. The Millennium …
If I needed any reminder of the degree to which female genital mutilation (FGM) has shot up the international agenda in the last couple of years, the scrum to attend this morning’s FGM event at the UN Commission on the …
There's a key ingredient to women's equality that just hasn't made it far enough up the agenda, yet could literally power development: energy access for women and girls. So, this morning, I spoke at a meeting hosted by the Global …
As long as there is gender-based violence, we will never achieve gender equality. The Prime Minister appointed me as Ministerial Champion for Tackling Violence against Women and Girls Overseas in 2010 for exactly that reason. And today Poland organised their …
There is immense power in the act of naming. Naming something so widespread that is passes almost without comment, like breathing or gravity, or the colour of the sky. And yet, for women everywhere, it has a huge impact on …
The world has been guilty of turning a blind eye to the challenges, discrimination and abuse people with disabilities - especially women and girls - can face every day. They are disproportionately some of the poorest and most marginalised in …
I’ve always said that, as great as 'international days' are at galvanising action on an issue, when it comes to women and girls we need to take action on the other 364 days too. That's why I'm so pleased that …
"In a society where woman can’t even choose her own life partner, how can she choose her own leader?" It was a question that left the whole room stunned at a recent recording of Afghanistan's TV and radio debate show … fulfil their potential, changing cultural norms towards a zero tolerance of violence against women must become a priority. We need to support survivors and hold perpetrators to account. It...
Women around the world are still facing some of the worst discrimination imaginable. From child marriage to female genital mutilation and inexcusably high rates of maternal mortality, the list goes on. As we approach International Women's Day, it doesn't seem …
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