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How is Ebola affecting FGM in Sierra Leone?

The UK is working with the UN, the World Health Organisation and the wider international community to combat Ebola. Picture: Save the Children

...a at sub-national level to reduce FGM. Working across borders Governments should also work together across borders to share policies, best practice and legislation. Girl Summit 2014 has mobilised over...

A Big Thank You to our International Citizen Service Volunteers on International Volunteer Day

Today is International Volunteer Day – an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the work of volunteers who give up their time to make a difference in communities around the world. This year, International Volunteer Day will acknowledge in particular the …

Sierra Leone: A helping hand on the road to recovery

To enter Freetown from its airport, boating across the river is your best option. The view of Freetown as the sun sets over the water is breathtaking, but one sadly seldom enjoyed by many from outside the country. Certainly from …