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How is Ebola affecting FGM in Sierra Leone?

The UK is working with the UN, the World Health Organisation and the wider international community to combat Ebola. Picture: Save the Children

...a at sub-national level to reduce FGM. Working across borders Governments should also work together across borders to share policies, best practice and legislation. Girl Summit 2014 has mobilised over...

We cannot end FGM without supporting survivors

Pictures of girls at Samburu Girls Foundation in Kenya

We often associate FGM with the harmful physical effects suffered by more than 125 million women worldwide. There is much less awareness about the psychological effects that can haunt a woman throughout her lifetime. I know from experience that sometimes …

The silence has been broken, now let’s break the cycle of FGM/C

Efua Dorkenoo with UK International Development Minister Lynne Featherstone. Picture: Options

On this International Day of Zero Tolerance against Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), I call on everyone to unite in a global movement to prevent the next generation of girls from undergoing FGM/C. As we start on a new global social …