Women with disabilities often face double discrimination – because they are female, and because they have disabilities. If they are from a minority group, elderly, or are gay, they may face multiple discrimination. But this discrimination can become still worse …
The helicopter banks down steeply to the left, and we’re approaching Akobo town; the miles of flat scrub land and acacia trees have given way to a scattering of huts and one-story, corrugated iron-roofed brick buildings. We hover over a …
It was the images of utter devastation and destruction in Tacloban which put Typhoon Haiyan at the top of the news stories in the UK. A giant cargo ship hurled like a match box by the ferocious force of the …
...her family had fled their home in Damascus because it was too dangerous to stay. She told us she collects water every day for her family now living in the...
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