For the first time

I first met Pabitra Damai at the village development office in Banke, West Nepal, where she had walked for 4 hours to open a bank account so that she could withdraw her monthly social security allowance of Rs. 500 ($ …
Nepal suffers from chronic poverty complicated by a number of factors, including gender, caste, ethnicity, age and religion. UK support to Nepal aims to improve efforts to reduce political instability, boost economic growth and economic inclusion, provide basic services and increase resilience to natural disasters.
I first met Pabitra Damai at the village development office in Banke, West Nepal, where she had walked for 4 hours to open a bank account so that she could withdraw her monthly social security allowance of Rs. 500 ($ …
Menuka Rana, a housewife, is a proud owner of a piglet and 2 young goats she bought with her first loan from a microfinance institution. Until recently, her village did not have a regulated financial institution and loans from the …
Meena Lama, a bright 34 year old lady from Taplejung, Eastern Nepal, is an entrepreneur. Three months ago, Meena qualified for a loan of $250 from a local financial institution, founded and managed by women, to start a poultry farm …
If you drive 35 kms northwest towards the hills from Kathmandu, the capital city, you might notice the fish farmers selling you fresh Japanese-introduced trout from the roadside restaurants and the jingle on the local radio station playing from the roadside shops. …
In Nepal, it’s not unusual for there to be 16-hour electricity blackouts in the dry season. The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) simply cannot meet rising demand. Sadly, no power has been added to the national grid for the past 2 …
My plane touched down in the UK at around 5.30 on the 5th March and I happily ate my first steak and chips in three months three hours later in a pub. The excitement of being home prevented me from …
In the past few weeks I have learnt about and experienced a lot more Hindu culture. This started with being invited to the wedding (bebaha) of a relative of the host family. During the early afternoon I went to the …
Not much has happened in my placement this week. Unfortunately the school has closed for two weeks due to the cold weather, which in my opinion is still much warmer than England's winter. I feel fairly lucky to have been …
After spending two nights in Butwal, we were taken to our allocated communities on the 1st January - quite literally a new start to the year. In my community - Manpakadi - I was pleasantly surprised to find that many …
My name is Simon Lucas and I've been working on energy, agriculture, roads and forestry projects in poor countries for the last 20 years. I'm also a keen white water kayaker, so when I heard of a job in Nepal …
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