World Water Day often carries a simple message, and this year is no different. The message “humanity needs water” is clear but in its simplicity hides the complexity and urgency of what needs to be done to ensure a water …
Goma in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) must be one of the most difficult environments to deliver clean water. The city is built on the lava flows from nearby active volcanoes (the last major eruption was …
Designing a large performance or results based education financing programme in Tanzania has certainly been a challenge over the past months. In particular getting the indicators right: how they can realistically be linked to achievable targets that both stretch and …
Today is World Toilet Day. Worldwide, over 2.5 billion people do not have access to clean, functioning toilets – and over 1 billion people defecate in the open. More people have access to a cell phone than use a toilet. …
I couldn’t resist posting this picture of the snow that is currently covering the UK, marking a cold start to what promises to be an exciting year. 2013 is the year in which the UK will achieve its commitment to …
Earlier this month, the UN Secretary General announced that two billion people have gained access to safe drinking water in the last 20 years, and that the Millennium Development Goal target on water had been achieved five years early. The … loans, many are buying cattle or improving irrigation – investments that will build their resilience in times ahead. Of course, this isn’t simply about rain. The famine in Somalia,...
Last week I left Afghanistan for good. When I said goodbye to our local staff member in Helmand he asked "will we see you again in Helmand Province?" "Probably not," I replied. After making Afghanistan my home for the last … the biggest slum in Africa, home to thousands of people living in Nairobi and, for one week, me. Photo: Sven Torfinn / Panos Kibera is a place that is...
Hello from Kinshasa – or, I should say, mboté or perhaps bonjour! I have just moved to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to take up my new post as Infrastructure and Environment Adviser. I have a fascinating and challenging …
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