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Women and clean energy in Bangladesh

A woman collects firewood from the forest. Picture: G.M.B.Akash/Panos

Though it may not seem obvious, access to clean energy and women’s empowerment especially in the developing world are intrinsically linked. Collecting firewood, for example, can make a woman or girl vulnerable to attack while she’s outside her village searching. …

Power to deliver: equipping health centres in DR Congo with renewable energy

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Climate Change, Democratic Republic of Congo, Health, Infrastructure

Blogging by candlelight seems like a contradiction in terms.  But in the city of Kananga – the most Bond villain-sounding of a strong field of Congolese place names – it’s candlelight or nothing.  Kananga is a “ville noire” – which …

Putting on my sceptical hat for access to energy

Economists have a reputation for being sceptical. So much so that there is a book called the Skeptical Economist, and a new book referring to economics as the dismal science. This has a lot to do with our teaching. For …

Climate change: a development opportunity, not just a threat

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In my first blog I wrote about climate change and development in rather general terms, and about some of the thinkers who have influenced my understanding of the issue. The comments posted by readers have been impressively detailed and wide-ranging …