This blog post is a forum for a range of perspectives on issues related to global efforts to improve the quality of education. We are particularly interested in issues and experience related to improving learning outcomes and the contribution that education makes to inclusive economic growth, poverty reduction and better institutions.
Only half of children lucky enough to attend kindergarten classes in Ghana are taught by formally trained teachers. Resources are scarce for these four and five year olds too, there’s only enough workbooks to share one between three and even …
I visited Ghor province in Afghanistan in June 2015 as part of my work for STAGES project, one of the UK-funded Girls’ Education Challenge programmes. I went there to see the work being carried out by one of the partners, which …
Election season is fast approaching in Tanzania, but retiring President Kikwete continues to take stock of his tenure with a series of events, not least the inaugural Africa Open Data Conference that was hosted in Dar es Salaam last week. …
I have recently come back from three months in Sierra Leone where I was working with DFID and the Ministry of Education to support children re-enrolling back into school safely after Ebola. Ebola had a devastating effect on the country, …
...That is why in DFID India we’re promoting a view that moves beyond ‘equity in access’ to ‘equity in learning’ - using graphics like the one below to highlight the...
...partner countries. For example, in Tanzania, where DFID and the Global Partnership are involved in teacher training to improve literacy acquisition of primary school students. Or in Zimbabwe where along...
Education partnerships, and how to evolve and improve them, is one of the hot topics at the 2015 World Education Forum in Korea, where the mixed progress on the 2000 Education For All and Education Millennium Development Goals are …
I’m not sure whether it was tempting fate on Friday the 13th, or an early Valentine’s gift to the nation, but Tanzanian President H.E Kikwete boldly launched a new national Education and Training Policy (ETP), the first for almost 20 …
The New Year started with humid weather and heavy rains in Dar es Salaam, portentous signs for a year likely to bring change, not least in parliamentary elections - as President Kikwete completes his final and second term in office, …
Returning from Tanzania’s geographically central but small capital city Dodoma to the coastal mega-city of Dar es Salaam, I reflected upon this slightly surreal experience. I was on board the only scheduled flight, a small 12 seater plane cruising at …
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