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We’re working to improve the effectiveness of Afghan governance, supporting economic growth, developing basic services and reducing poverty. We are working towards the day when Afghan forces can take charge of the security situation, ensuring a stable and peaceful country.

It takes a whole village to educate a child

I visited Ghor province in Afghanistan in June 2015 as part of my work for STAGES project, one of the UK-funded Girls’ Education Challenge programmes. I went there to see the work being carried out by one of the partners, which …

Public Financial Management in Afghanistan: Why does it matter? And what is UK aid doing to help?

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Picture: Christian Als/Panos

Strong public financial management (PFM) is essential to the success of any government. Without effective PFM systems, it is difficult for a government to achieve its goals and ensure that public services are delivered. PFM systems ensure that public money …

Skills and jobs: part of the answer to ending child marriage in Afghanistan?

Sewing and handicraft products created by Afghan women in the Zardosi network. Picture: Zardozi.

I recently joined DFID Afghanistan as the Private Sector Development Programme Manager, and my first "trip out" was to a programme I manage called Zardozi. It was already warm at 7:30am as I set off to meet 3 women - …

Tackling barriers to education for Afghan girls

The Girls’ Education Challenge will help up to 1 million of the world’s poorest girls in 22 focus countries get an education and transform their future. Picture: Sarah Cottereau

When the Girl Summit is held in the UK in July, one of the key messages will be the role of education in transforming the lives of girls. Education enables girls to participate more fully in their communities and their …

International Women’s Day: getting women’s voices heard in Afghanistan

Open Jirga audience members - a special episode of Afghanistan’s TV and radio debate show Open Jirga was devoted to women’s role in the upcoming presidential election.

"In a society where woman can’t even choose her own life partner, how can she choose her own leader?" It was a question that left the whole room stunned at a recent recording of Afghanistan's TV and radio debate show …

What do a tailor and a budget have in common? Impressions from a trip to Herat

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I recently travelled to Herat, a beautiful city in the west of the country, with my economist colleague Kevin. Kevin has kindly agreed to write a guest blog about our trip: As someone returning to Afghanistan, I have found progress …