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Female Genital Mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) is a harmful practice that affects up to 140 million women globally. We believe girls have the right to have control over their own bodies so we’re supporting efforts to reduce the practice by 30% in at least 20 countries over the next years. Ultimately we want to end the practice within a generation.

The Power of Young People #YouthSummit

Last Saturday, I joined the Tanzanian Youth Summit, one of several such events happening across the world, that will culminate in London in a few days (check out the #YouthSummit site). It was a room full of young Tanzanians who …

How is Ebola affecting FGM in Sierra Leone?

The UK is working with the UN, the World Health Organisation and the wider international community to combat Ebola. Picture: Save the Children

...a at sub-national level to reduce FGM. Working across borders Governments should also work together across borders to share policies, best practice and legislation. Girl Summit 2014 has mobilised over...

Revolutionising social norms: The UN Commission on the Status of Women

International Development minister Lindsay Northover reads the UK statement at the UN General Assembly room. Picture: Sheena Ariyapala/DFID

Last week was my first visit to the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), an annual event that has been held at the UN since 1946. Over 100 ministers and 8000 civil society advocates attended, with events ranging from …

"I'm changing the way your story starts" – A Gambian gift on Mother’s Day

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I had a moment of dizzying clarity during a visit to The Gambia last month, when policy lines revisited in briefings, meetings and documents burst back into life, regained their power and gave a renewed sense of purpose to my …

We cannot end FGM without supporting survivors

Pictures of girls at Samburu Girls Foundation in Kenya

We often associate FGM with the harmful physical effects suffered by more than 125 million women worldwide. There is much less awareness about the psychological effects that can haunt a woman throughout her lifetime. I know from experience that sometimes …

Collaboration and empowerment: together we can end FGM in a generation

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a human rights abuse. The practice seriously damages the physical and mental health of women and girls around the world, and can even cause death. When I began my African Well Woman’s Clinic at Guy’s …

Born whole: being a woman in Sudan

Small faces may look up at me equally quizzically as I visit a maternity hospital in Sudan. But from these first moments, the path for a girl is mapped out differently from that for a boy. And that has included the …